ONFOTO 是一間由孫蕙戀 (Hye Ryun) 與韓筠青 (Anna) 共同經營的藝廊與暗房工作室,由於我們對黑嘛嘛暗房的熱愛,所以決定傳承這門19世紀古老的技術給21世紀熱愛影像的人們。 蕙戀與 Anna 誠摯邀請您於 8/29 日星期五開幕當天 (TGIF!!) 來 ONFOTO 坐坐、聊聊、看看照片、看看書,最重要的是我們現場有準備超級好吃的小點心以及超級好喝的冷泡茶以及咖啡,快來吧! ONFOTO cordially invites you to attend the opening of our studio, and to meet the artist, Hye Ryun Son and Yun-Ching Han (Anna). The studio is located at Tienmu, Taipei City, and it aims to develop the 19th century historical photographic processes and B&W darkroom processes in Taiwan. We offer darkroom technique with artistic approach, and we also provide individual tutorial. The space is also designed for photography exhibitions, and it's available for rent. *地點:台北市士林區士東路286巷22號一樓 *開車:可沿著德行東路往山的方向走到快底,看到右手邊全家以及左手邊芝山國小後左轉,Onfoto位於7-11正對面 *公車:280、紅15 往天母方向,於芝山國小站下車後左轉,Onfoto位於7-11正對面 GPS或GOOGLE MAP請定位: 111台北市士林區士東路286巷37號 (工作室周邊地址亂亂的,所以定位對面7-11的地址才找得到唷~) |
February 2017