▌隨 時 開 課
4 堂課|每堂 2 小時|適合 12-18 歲青少年
Advanced Photography : Advanced Practices
4 sessions|2 hours per session|12-18 years old teens are preferred
授課導師|呂盈蓉 Lucky
陳宛瑜 Wan
The purpose of the this advanced course is to extend "handmaking" and "photographic aesthetic" in previous courses. This course will focus on the narration on photography and different materials in darkroom printing. In the end, students will completed and shown their own works in a handmade accordion book.
4 堂課|每堂 2 小時|適合 12-18 歲青少年
Advanced Photography : Advanced Practices
4 sessions|2 hours per session|12-18 years old teens are preferred
授課導師|呂盈蓉 Lucky
陳宛瑜 Wan
The purpose of the this advanced course is to extend "handmaking" and "photographic aesthetic" in previous courses. This course will focus on the narration on photography and different materials in darkroom printing. In the end, students will completed and shown their own works in a handmade accordion book.
Session 1.
Narration in Photography: Shooting Class
Session 2.
Advanced Cyanotype Toning
Session 3.
攝影蒙太奇/ 另類敘事:外拍練習
Photographic Montage: Shooting Class
Session 4.
Digital Negative and Black&White Darkroom
Narration in Photography: Shooting Class
Session 2.
Advanced Cyanotype Toning
Session 3.
攝影蒙太奇/ 另類敘事:外拍練習
Photographic Montage: Shooting Class
Session 4.
Digital Negative and Black&White Darkroom
- 本課程共 4 堂課,每堂 2 小時。
- 此課為 1-2 人小班制。
- 這堂課以豐富 12-18 歲青少年的休閒興趣及美感啟發為主,課程內容為基礎數位照片整理及編修技法。
- 報名請至 聯絡我們 填寫表單詢問。
- 學費已含上課所有器材與耗材 (不含課外耗材)。
- 課程中禁止錄音、錄影以尊重講者著作權(可於課程互動時拍照,或拍攝作品)。
- 上課地點:ONFOTO 天母暗房|台北市士林區士東路 286 巷 22 號 1F。
- The course consists of 4 sessions of 2 hours.
- Small class size : 1-2 students.
- This course is specifically designed to educate and enrich the lives of teenagers from 12 to 18 years old.
- To sign up, please fill out the Contact Us form.
- Tuition fee includes in-class access to darkroom facilities and supplies used within the class.
- Audio / video recordings ( except taking pictures ) are not permitted in the class.