|過江 Crossing the River|
周越 北韓紀實攝影個展
Solo Exhibition by Chinese Emergent Photographer-Zhou Yue
周越 北韓紀實攝影個展
Solo Exhibition by Chinese Emergent Photographer-Zhou Yue
「我紀錄的是,從東北跨越鴨綠江後,一個似是而非的國度。 這也是我不得不拍、不得不講的故事。」-周越
北韓,對於國際來說不算陌生的一個國家名稱,但幾乎所有的人對北韓發生的一切都猶如霧裡看花。攝影師周越因生長於與北韓只隔了一條河的丹東,並且經常於街坊巷弄看見北韓人民的身影,因此周越本自認對於北韓的人民並不陌生。但當真開始專注地去瞭解時,才發現,連想從來到東北的北韓人民口中探出任何消息,或是要進入北韓的國門竟是如此的困難且幾近不可能。周越因此選擇跟隨旅行團的腳步,始踏進北韓這個神秘的國度。 跟著旅行團,沿路的風景人文皆看似平和。捕捉到的影像,卻悄悄的被疏離感及無以言喻的壓迫感所籠罩。影像難以避免地捕捉到那些不清楚意義的韓文巨型標語,無時無刻都跟在身邊,甩也甩不開。在北韓接觸到的所有人,不是過分禮貌的友善,便是帶著輕蔑意味的敵意。周越的影像大膽的記錄了他所能探掘的一切,並且加入了自身的想法與態度,將作品呈現出來。 北韓是一個人人害怕的國家,卻位於周越最熟悉的家鄉旁。攝影師以鄰居身兼旅人的角度來描繪、講述從東北跨越鴨綠江後,一個似是而非的國度。 The image of the great men is not to be compromised, they believe in their own gods, which are themselves. These are the pictures that I have to photograph and the stories that I have to tell. My hometown is literally right next to it, somehow is even interlaced with it: “Korean Flavour” is not considered foreign. They are just strangers in the street, even when you go fix the tire of your bike at the street vendor, you can speak in Chinese, or Korean. This is my hometown - Dandong. Ever since I could use my camera to tell stories, I tried to understand them, however, there were way too many obstacles such as “diplomatic firewall“, team discipline and supervisory system. Though you are enjoying a meal at “Liujing Restaurant”, the waitresses who are serving, singing and dancing for you were all born and raised in North Korea, you can chat with them, they would even tell funny jokes to you. You just never know their names, or you will find out that those are just names of flowers in the future. When I first stared this project, I thought the advantage of being so close is NONE, The results I got from asking friends for favour were just “sorries”. Because they are living over there with even stronger restrictions, which increase the difficulty and danger. (It is no joke that the issue CANNOT be solved by an apology if you were caught taking photos without permission). This great deal of “No way” and “impossible” made me wonder what kind of vulnerable and frangible stuff needs such high level of supervision, Why a simple “hello” is like the needle poking the air balloon. “I need to figure it out, I need to go and see it with my own eyes” this was my idea. On the train to Pyongyang, I saw plenty of signs with yellow words in red background and black words in white background along the way, on the mountains and in the fields. They stand out even more when the snow covers the land. Arriving Pyongyang, country under managed economy system has no advertisings, instead, there are countless passionate slogans, yet there are flaming music and emotional speeches being broadcasted. I realised this gigantic invisible “great wall” is “protecting” people’s minds. Momentarily, the in-neglected comparisons are appearing right in front of me. People’s unconcerned attitude towards those signs and slogans are the proves of adding a brick to the invisible “great wall”. I could easily use slogans to circle them up, under the belief built with uncertainty, in the majesty of the giant statue, Human as the scale made them stand out brightly. Reputations are protected instead of being questioned, the reminders are everywhere - letters and words point to images, images compose imaginary reality reminding people be prepared to strike at any time. Using photography to emphasise the “wall” built right above the people’s head, introspecting the merciless slaughter to the people’s individual thought by the “wall” made by words and images. More strengthen protection is, more fragile the object is. The Yalu river divides my hometown Dandong and North Korea, this is the other side of the river, The North Korea in front of my eyes. |
展覽時間|2017/10/28 起至 11/05 每週五六日 14:00-19:30
展覽地點|ONFOTO 天母暗房 台北市士林區士東路 286 巷 22 號 1F
展覽時間|2017/10/28 起至 11/05 每週五六日 14:00-19:30
展覽地點|ONFOTO 天母暗房 台北市士林區士東路 286 巷 22 號 1F
周越 Zhou Yue
生長於中國東北丹東的周越,於2014年來到台灣,取得了世新大學圖文傳播與數位出版學系碩士學位。一切從高中父親為他買了的第一台單眼相機開始,周越便愛上了攝影這項媒材。攝影,便成了周越紀錄自己人生的方式,也成了周越表述自己想法的一種媒介。 周越的作品風格大膽,勇於挑戰觀眾的感受與視覺來彰表自我的想法與控訴。於台灣求學的時間裡,曾在空場、寶藏巖等地舉辦聯展。更以系列作品「母親愛我之血水面前的合理麻木」獲得了台灣新光三越國際攝影大賽的入選資格。此系列作品用強烈的影像點醒觀眾,對比出母親對於家庭的包容與犧牲。另一於空場舉辦的聯展濕版作品,也大膽讓觀眾進入私人空間,來控訴自我隱私的不足與被侵犯的無奈。 本次展覽的作品中,周越更是放膽前進北韓進行拍攝。與許多紀實攝影師不同的是,透過這幾次前往北韓的機會所帶出來的影像,並非單純的紀錄北韓的樣貌 。周越觀察到的是,像北韓這樣極端的社會主義國家,竟可以看到自己家鄉一些一許的影子。影像隱約透露著自己身為在異鄉求學的遊子心聲,也反映著現今社會主義國家的絕對控制。 Yue Zhou is an a Chinese Artist and Photographer who was born and raised in Dangdong, China. He went on to earn his Master’s degree in Graphic Communications and Digital Publishing from the Shih Hsin University, Taiwan. His first camera was a given gift from his father in high school. After all, he attempted to fulfill his passion for art by taking pictures. He is specializing in using visual language to express his concepts and accusations through challenge the audience’s feelings. He has had winning selected award for Shin Kong Mitsubishi International Photography Contest and has exhibited his work in the Polymer Art Space and the Treasure Hill Taipei Artist Village. |