|與你同在 I'm Here with You|
韓裔新銳攝影師李高恩|LGBT 人像攝影個展
Solo Exhibition by Korean Emergent Photographer-Gowun Lee
韓裔新銳攝影師李高恩|LGBT 人像攝影個展
Solo Exhibition by Korean Emergent Photographer-Gowun Lee
"I’m Here With You" 是李高恩旅美返家(韓國首爾)後的第一套系列作品,高恩擅長運用肖像傳達人們日常生活中被壓抑與隱藏的內在情緒。此系列靈感來自於一位勇敢對她表露真實性向的陌生男孩,高恩受到他的感動,於是從 2014 年開始拍攝關於韓國的同志議題。對比開放的西方文化與封閉的亞洲文化,此議題於現今韓國社會中仍屬敏感題材,因此本系列作品中的被攝者都以不露臉的形式表現,暗示了同志及跨性別者在社會及人群中仍被刻意忽略的身份認同。
大多數的同志在現今的韓國社會中仍處於極度壓抑的生活狀態中,秘密的隱藏著真實的自我與性向,作品中所出現的日常生活場景,都是我們看似平常的公眾場合:學校、公眾澡堂、教堂、或是個人的工作場景,而這些場景正是同志族群在家庭、職業、婚姻、信仰上,時時刻刻都得面對的內心爭戰場所。照片中人物轉開的身影,這些不具名的無臉者,在我們的日常生活中,不是我們看不見,而是我們刻意的移開了視線。影像裡的光線則是溫柔深情的等待,等待著這些疏離與失落的靈魂能夠有轉過身的一刻。題材命名為 “I’m Here With You” ,本作品是攝影師本人用自己的方式,希冀能夠為韓國的同志族群發聲。 In South Korea, the majority of the LGBTQ people are hiding their true identities from the society out of the reason of being afraid to be disowned by their families or dismissed by the employees. Unfortunately, Korea does not have legislation to ensure their human rights. Korea is a very conservative country and many Koreans have misconceptions and prejudice towards sexual minorities. Despite a recent surge in LGBTQ activism in Korea, many still choose to conceal their true identity in fear of the repercussions. Many people in Korea express bitter hostility toward LGBTQ people, some show hate and fear, while others simply deny their existence. The South Korean military is hunting down gay soldiers mounting sting operations using gay dating apps. At least 32 soldiers are currently being investigated and one has been charged. Parents and family members are denying the truth when a family member comes out. They don't want to bring up the issue because Koreans value decency. They would rather keep ignoring the truth than accept and support their family member for who they truly are. Things on this front will never change if Korean society continues to ignore the truth and acknowledge the existence of LGBTQ people and their human rights. This shows the true face of Korean society and their attitude toward LGBTQ community. Many people in Korea have turned blind eye and deaf ear to the difficulties sexual minorities face, believing that it is not their business. Many Koreans do not realize that LGBTQ people's lives are not much different than theirs. They are just like us. They are members of their family, friends, teachers, colleagues and the people you see everyday in your daily life. The individuals with their faces hidden in this project represent those sexual minorities living in Korea who keep their sexual identity hidden from the society. The individuals showing their backs to the camera and hiding their faces portray how Korean society neglect and refuse to accept them. |
展覽時間|2017/9/23 起至 2017/10/15 每週五六日 14:00-19:30
展覽地點|ONFOTO 天母暗房 台北市士林區士東路 286 巷 22 號 1F
展覽時間|2017/9/23 起至 2017/10/15 每週五六日 14:00-19:30
展覽地點|ONFOTO 天母暗房 台北市士林區士東路 286 巷 22 號 1F
李高恩 이고운 韓國出生的李高恩,2014 年畢業於美國紐約 SVA 藝術學院攝影學系。李高恩的作品多次受到學校以及紐約藝廊的展覽邀約,目前定居紐約。高恩作品風格多樣,也勇於嘗試新的呈現手法,有底片拍攝、重曝、實驗性...等,內容大多在探討人文關懷與內心世界的表彰。本次作品探討韓國同志族群(LGBTQ)的壓抑與不受重視,契機來自攝影師之前的一組作品 “In Your Words” 拍攝時的機遇。 Gowun Lee is Korean born who studied, lived and worked in New York City for 10 years. She met a homosexual Korean teenager while she was visiting in Korea for her previous project called “In your words”. He came out to her; she was totally stranger to him.That was his first time to came out to someone. She decided to do her project “I’m here with you” in Korea so she moved to Korea from New York and has been working on this project for almost 2 years. EDUCATION Bachelor of Fine Arts, Photography School of Visual Arts, New York, NY AWARDS BFA Photography Department Award, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY BFA Photography Department Scholarship, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY Chairman’s Merit Award, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY 作品集:http://www.gowunlee.com/ |