曾子恩 攝影首展
曾子恩 攝影首展
這一切的一切都取決於價值觀的不同、生命體驗的不同。 而我自以為是的試圖從中抓出一些道理, 或許這一切到頭來都毫無意義,
亦或是極其表面的一塊。 但「這不是一個句點,而是下一段的起點。」。
Everything is based on different values from different individuals, and different life experiences. Even when I vigorously try to search for some meanings… maybe nothing makes sense, or maybe I am only touching the superficial. This is definitely not the end; this is merely the beginning for another journey.
In the past six months, I had to fight an impulse of taking random photos at any random where and when. Sometimes I stood still in the environment, I tried to blend in and felt with all my senses. Sometimes I had to withdraw myself, by not relying on my eyes, but attempt to connect with my soul. In this process, I constantly talked to myself, as well as I let my pictures talk.
If human being does not exist in these scenes, nothing is worthwhile... While putting together both background and people in the same frame, however, picture within all in a sudden seems to have more flavors. I call this – “temperature intake.” I tried breathing in all the unnoticeable, tasting, absorbing, digesting, and eventually searching for the perfect photography beyond imagination.
Facebook 活動頁面|開幕酒會活動紀錄
開幕茶會|2016/4/2 Sat 7-9pm (6:30pm開放進場)
展覽時間|2016/4/1 起至 5/1 週三至週日 14:00-20:00
(平日開放團體預約參觀,請電洽 02-88661982 或來信預約。)
展覽指定輸出|Avocado 數位微噴
展覽地點|ONFOTO 天母暗房 台北市士林區士東路 286 巷 22 號 1F
開幕茶會|2016/4/2 Sat 7-9pm (6:30pm開放進場)
展覽時間|2016/4/1 起至 5/1 週三至週日 14:00-20:00
(平日開放團體預約參觀,請電洽 02-88661982 或來信預約。)
展覽指定輸出|Avocado 數位微噴
展覽地點|ONFOTO 天母暗房 台北市士林區士東路 286 巷 22 號 1F
曾子恩 Alex Tseng
曾子恩,台南人,24歲。 喜歡靜靜地記錄下所看到的一切,試圖將攝影化為日常生活的一部份。 Instagram|tsengtzu.en 個人經歷 2016 廣告跟拍, 擔任第二機攝影師 2015 貧老,互助,關懷微電影 佳作(動態影像參賽) 2015 第 4 屆松山文創學園祭(動態影像參展) 2015/5 第 34 屆新一代設計展 YODEX(動態影像參展) 2015/4 大葉大學 3/4 畢業聯展(動態影像參展) 學歷 2016 大葉大學視覺傳達設計系 2011 長榮中學高中 |