2011年於舊金山藝術大學攝影研究所畢業,作品從情感出發,以古典化學方法印製照片,每年固定產出一套完整系列作品。Anna 目前為 Onfoto Studio 負責人。
Anna has a MFA in Photography from Academy of Art University, USA. She currently works as a freelance photographer and darkroom instructor.
She specializes in salt prints, toning cyanotypes, and Gum Bichromate. She believes it is the marrying of a image with the certain process that makes a photograph distinctive, timeless, and speaks its own volume. She aims to share the beauty of each process to anyone who appreciate arts.
Anna creates works in response to her emotions linking past memories, psychic distress, and even ineffable feelings of the past trauma. Her works feature a strong narrative that triggers a direct and straightforward response from the audience.
舊金山藝術大學 MFA攝影碩士 / Academy of Art University, MFA Photography
輔仁大學英文系 學士 / Fu-Jen Catholic University, English major
* selected exhibitions and awards -
2016 Finalist, Best of Photography 2016, Photographer's Forum, USA
2016 國立台灣美術館「銀鹽世代 - 尋找歲月靈光」展覽 (張照堂、簡永彬策展)
The Silver Halide Era - Aura of Times Vintage Photography Prints by Taiwanese
Photographers 1890s~2015, Curators: CHANG Chao-tang, CHIEN Yun-ping
2016 新光三越國際攝影比賽 貳獎
Second Place, Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi Int'l Photo-taking Contest, Taiwan
2015 (a) void 年度個展 @Pcafe
Annual solo exhibition at P cafe, Taiwan
2014 Love & Relics 新光三越巡迴個展
Love & Relics, Solo exhibition hosted by Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi, Taiwan
2013 新光三越國際攝影比賽 首獎
First Place, Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi Int'l Photo-taking Contest, Taiwan
2012 美國舊金山SPE攝影論壇 鹽印法作品展出
Selected Salt Printing Works, SPE Photography Conference, San Francisco, USA
2012 美國紐約 SOHO PHOTO GALLERY 鹽印法作品得獎與展出
Selected Salt Printing Works, SOHO PHOTO GALLERY, New York, USA
2011美國獨立藝術雜誌 SHOTS MAGAZINE Issue, no. 113 自拍作品入選
Self-Portrait Works, SHOTS MAGAZINE_ Self-portrait Issue, no. 113., USA
2011 美國紐約 SOHO PHOTO GALLERY 染色氰顯影作品得獎與展出
Selected Cyanotype Works, SOHO PHOTO GALLERY, New York, USA. SOHO PHOTO
「一匙鹽與十一張照片」韓筠青鹽印法個展 1833年時,英國現代攝影之父:威廉塔伯特先生(William Henry Fox Talbot, 1800-1877),為迎接新生活而帶著新婚妻子去義大利湖畔度蜜月,而鹽印法的發明,就從這趟蜜月開始的。塔伯特當時帶著他的新玩具投影描繪器(camera lucida),試圖將眼前美麗的湖景真實的描畫在紙上,帶回英國與親友們分享。可惜塔伯特的描繪能力不比專業畫家,描繪出的湖景與實景差距甚遠。蜜月結束後,塔伯特極力研究將實際風景複製在紙上的方法,於是在1834年發明了鹽印法。 鹽印法是十九世紀攝影發明後,第一個將銀鹽印製於紙張上的顯影方式。整個過程需要先在紙上塗一層鹽水,接著上一層硝酸銀,然後在太陽下曝光。鹽印法的成像細緻度與咖啡偏紅的色調讓每ㄧ張照片擁有各自獨立的情緒,它的低成功率也呼應這系列作品要表達的脆弱感。 韓筠青畢業於舊金山藝術大學攝影系,主修古典影像顯影,她的鹽印法技巧師承美國古典影像顯影翹楚 Dan Estabrook。 UPCOMING: “A Teaspoon of Tablesalt” Exibition of Salted Paper Processes by Yun-Ching Han The salt print was the very first silver print process on paper when photography was invented in the 19th century; the paper was coated by a solution of salt, followed by a coating of silver nitrate, and then exposed to the sun. Like many other alternative processes, salt printing has a simplicity and directness of process that is more physical than digital printing. This process gives the images a sense of quietness, fragility, and timeless that digital couldn't achieve. The delicate tonality and the reddish-brown hue of this process also enhance the antique and aged look of the prints. |
2014 年 12 月 1 日~2015 年 2 月 28 日
(參觀展覽請來電 02-88661982 或填寫表單預約參觀)
1 DEC 2014 - 28 FEB 2015
( For guests who plan a visit , we suggest you call 02-88661982 or fill out the contact form for reservation, thanks. )
2014 年 12 月 1 日~2015 年 2 月 28 日
(參觀展覽請來電 02-88661982 或填寫表單預約參觀)
1 DEC 2014 - 28 FEB 2015
( For guests who plan a visit , we suggest you call 02-88661982 or fill out the contact form for reservation, thanks. )
孫蕙戀來自韓國首爾,高中與大學皆主修攝影,並於美國舊金山藝術大學取得攝影碩士學位。她使用大片幅相機進行紀實攝影創作,長期鑽研「重鉻酸膠質顯影」(Gum Bichromate)和「鈀金&鉑金印相法」(Platinum & Palladium),這些同屬高階暗房技術。蕙戀作品穩重且印製精細,這也是她的最大特色。 Son Hye Ryun is a fine art photographer from Seoul, South Korea. She majored in photography since high school and achieved her MFA photography degree at Academy of Art University, USA. She specialized in documentary and large format cameras (8x10, 4x5), gum bichromate, and platinum & palladium processes. Her works are serene and beautifully printed with precision. *education 2011 Academy of Art University, MFA Photography, USA (舊金山藝術大學 攝影碩士) 2006 Chung Ang University, Fine Art Photography, Korea (首爾中央大學 攝影學士) *selected exhibitions 2014 First Place, Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi Int'l Photo-taking Contest (首獎, 新光三越國際攝影比賽) 2011 FOTO: Pushing Boundaries (ARC Gallery), USA 2010 Marin Headlands Photography (79 Montgomery), USA 2006 Epson Asia Color Image (Aoyama Spiele Garden), Tokyo, Japan 2003 Dong Gang Photo Exhibition Twenty Artist, Korea 2003 Korea & Japan Contact Young artists IN&OUT, Tokyo, Japan 2002 Solo Exhibition: Outsider (On Gallery), Seoul, Korea *business background 2003 Joined public relations Dept. of Hyun Dai Unicorns / Baseball public relations dept. / Photography 2006 Seoul Photo private educational institute / Photography |